Research Methods in Literary and Cultural Theory



The below link contains an interactive StoryMap piece of the locations encountered along the Rome marathon each year. The Rome marathon was first run in 1906. The event takes place in the capital of Italy and flows through the historical landscapes such as Colosseum, Altare della Patria , Imperial Forum, Arch of Constantine, Circus Maximus, Castel Sant’Angelo, St. Peter’s Basilica, stairways of Santa Maria, Theater of Marcellus and finishes at Alatre della Patria. The slides contain various images of each landscape encountered along the 42.6km route. Each image is credited and the origin is attached to each image.


The following pieces show multiple images of Beat movement writers. Each interactive piece reveals a male beat and a female counterpart. This would be useful in my thesis project when examining the work of women during the beat movement. The first image shows both Diane di Prima and Neal Cassady. When presenting my thesis abstract I will use these images to compare their work and highlight similarities in both men and women beats. The second image shows prolific poet Allen Ginsberg, paralleled with ex-wife of Neal, Carolyn Cassady. Finally the last image shows both Hettie Jones and William Burroughs.